Grants Overview
During the July 1, 2004, through June 30, 2005, time period, we made grant payments of $1,237,950. These payments reflect new grants approved by the Board of Directors as well as payments on multi-year grant commitments. Of note is the Foundation's close relationship with Community Foundation Silicon Valley (CFSV), which received $61,000 in grants from us. Since the Kirsch Foundation is a supporting organization of CFSV, we are dedicated to providing funds for its initiatives and programs. The Foundation also contributed more than $90,000 to educational institutions as part of its Silicon Valley Community and Discretionary grants.
Environmental |
20 grants |
$286,500 |
Medical/Science Projects |
2 grants |
$75,000 |
Political Reform and Global Theme |
15 grants |
$281,500 |
Silicon Valley Community |
38 grants |
$298,700 |
Discretionary |
26 grants |
$296,250 |
Grant Award Process
Due to our limited resources, all grant programs are invitation only. Individual grants may also be made at the discretion of the Board of Directors. To review our programs and each ones particular focus, see that section of our website.
The Foundation makes grants to organizations recognized by the IRS as 501(c)3 entities, or 501(c)4 entities within the limits of our IRS safe harbor for lobbying activities.
I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.
Leonardo da Vinci, Renaissance painter, sculptor, architect and inventor |

Foundation Staff: (L to R) Susan Frank, Vice President, Public Policy; May van Scherrenburg, Program Officer, Environmental and Science Programs; Connie Padre, Executive Assistant and Communications Associate; Kathleen Gwynn, President & CEO. |

Board of Directors and Officers: (L to R) Bill Johnson, Member; Perry Olson, Vice Chairman; Steve Kirsch, Chairman; Kathleen Gwynn, President & CEO; Peter Hero, Secretary. |
Grants Awarded
This list, totaling $1,037,950, shows all grants approved by the Board by name of organization. If more than one grant was made to a given institution, only the total amount awarded is listed. It does not include payments on commitments made in prior years. You can learn more about these organizations by visiting their websites.
Environmental |
American Lung Association of San Francisco & San Mateo Counties |
$ |
12,500 |
California Environmental Rights Alliance |
20,000 |
California League of Conservation Voters Education Fund |
15,000 |
Californians for Pesticide Reform |
25,500 |
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies |
1,000 |
Communities for a Better Environment |
10,000 |
Earthjustice |
25,000 |
Environment California Research & Policy Center |
20,000 |
Environmental and Energy Study Institute |
10,000 |
Environmental Defense |
40,000 |
Environmental Law Institute |
10,000 |
Fresno-Madera Medical Society |
10,000 |
Medical Advocates for Healthy Air |
10,000 |
Natural Resources Defense Council |
10,000 |
Sierra Club |
25,000 |
Union of Concerned Scientists |
42,500 |
Isabella Bailey, heart patient of Dr. Dan Bernstein of Lucile Packard Childrens Hospital, with her mother. Dr. Bernsteins work is funded through an endowment gift made by the Kirsch Foundation. |
Political Reform and Global Theme |
Arms Control Association |
$ |
5,000 |
British American Security Information Council |
5,000 |
Business Leaders for Sensible Priorities |
500 |
Center for Arms Control and Nonproliferation |
5,000 |
Center for Defense Information |
5,000 |
Federation of American Scientists |
5,000 |
Friends Committee on National Legislation |
5,000 |
Natural Resources Defense Council |
5,000 |
Peace and Security Funders Group |
5,000 |
Physicians for Social Responsibility |
6,000 |
Ploughshares Fund |
100,000 |
Public Campaign |
125,000 |
Union of Concerned Scientists |
5,000 |
Women's Action for New Directions |
5,000 |
Steve Kirsch in front of the Kirsch Center for Environmental Studies at De Anza Community College, which is scheduled to open in fall 2005. |
Silicon Valley Community |
Adolescent Counseling Services |
$ |
500 |
American Musical Theatre of San Jose |
100,000 |
Bullis-Purissima Elementary School Foundation |
87,000 |
Castilleja School |
2,500 |
Child and Family Institute |
500 |
Children's Health Council |
10,000 |
Community Breast Health Project |
500 |
Community Foundation Silicon Valley |
61,000 |
Girl Scouts of Santa Clara County |
850 |
The Health Trust |
1,000 |
Hidden Villa |
6,000 |
Junior League of Palo Alto-Mid Peninsula |
6,000 |
Los Altos Town Crier Holiday Fund |
5,000 |
Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health |
10,000 |
Music for Minors |
250 |
Next Door Solutions to Domestic Violence |
1,000 |
Northern California Innocence Project |
2,500 |
Palo Alto Unified School District |
1,000 |
People Acting in Community Together |
1,000 |
Rebuilding Together Peninsula |
1,500 |
Resource Area For Teachers |
2,600 |
Santa Clara University School of Law |
1,000 |
Second Harvest Food Bank |
1,000 |
The Tech Museum of Innovation |
11,750 |
United Way Silicon Valley |
2,500 |
YMCA of the Mid Peninsula |
6,750 |
Discretionary |
American India Foundation |
$ |
2,000 |
American Philosophical Society |
2,000 |
American Red Cross |
4,000 |
Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence |
1,000 |
California First Amendment Coalition |
7,500 |
California State Parks Foundation |
1,000 |
Camp Stevens |
2,500 |
Campaign for America's Future |
2,500 |
Committee to Bridge the Gap |
500 |
Conservation International |
8,750 |
Diabetes Center at UCSF |
1,000 |
Dick Gephardt Legacy Fund |
500 |
Environmental Grantmakers Association |
1,000 |
Global Fund for Children |
4,000 |
Global Security Institute |
1,000 |
John Burton Foundation for Children Without Homes |
2,000 |
Mills College |
5,000 |
5,000 |
NARAL Pro Choice America Foundation |
3,000 |
People for the American Way Foundation |
5,000 |
Steadman-Hawkins Research Foundation |
1,000 |
That Man May See |
1,000 |
University of Colorado Foundation |
7,500 |
World Affairs Council of Northern California |
2,500 |