
To Our Friends and Colleagues:
Thomas Jefferson. Mahatma Gandhi. Rachel Carson. Jonas Salk.
Citizens. Activists. Heroes. And isnt it amazing that one person can create unimaginable changes in the way we view, and live, in our world? Whether establishing a new form of government, developing a vaccine to prevent polio, identifying the environmental crises facing our planet or using nonviolence to force political change, Jefferson, Salk, Carson, and Gandhi had a profound impact on our lives.
Working to change the world is also true of those in the Foundations pantheon: our current grant recipients and colleagues. Each individual and collaboration is focused on bringing about a more peaceful world, a healthier environment, or treatments and cures for diseases. Their efforts may make the difference between nuclear war or a lasting peace, clean air or children with asthma, and a cure for glaucoma or blindness for millions. We are proud to be affiliated with them and to proclaim their contributions to the common good through this annual report.
A review of the entire year would not be complete without sharing some of the challenges we have faced. Given the steep decline in the Foundations assets between mid-2000 and 2003, we examined our focus areas in early 2003. The Board of Directors reluctantly decided to focus on our work in fields such as nuclear disarmament, clean air and Silicon Valley community support by phasing out the Kirsch Investigators Program and future medical research initiatives. The Board reaffirmed its commitment to medical research, however, through the Foundations continued lobbying for the use of promising technologies such as stem cell research and therapeutic cloning.
We also saw the Foundations assets continue to decline throughout the year as a result of our deliberate decision to approve expenses in excess of $3 million on a base of $17 million in net assets. While we do not want, nor plan, to close the Foundation, we are committed to maintaining effective grantmaking and public policy programs.
We look forward with optimism despite the obstacles that we face. We do so because we are confident in the capabilities of our grant recipients and colleagues as well as the dedication and capabilities of the Foundations Board and staff. As Margaret Mead so aptly stated, Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed its the only thing that ever has. We have no doubts.
Steven T. Kirsch |
Michèle van Blitter Kirsch |
Kathleen Gwynn |
Co-founder & Board Chairman |
Co-founder |
President & CEO