Past Medical Research Outcomes

The Foundation is committed to full federal funding for embryonic stem cell research and ensuring that somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT, or therapeutic cloning) remains a legal form of medical research in the United States. This research must continue so that scientists can persevere in their search for cures for devastating diseases and conditions such as cancer, heart disease, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's and spinal cord injury, which affect millions of Americans. Below is a record of the Foundation's past medical research policy activities at the federal and California levels. You can also read about our current lobbying activities.

Federal Legislation
Through the Foundation's membership and active participation in the Coalition for the Advancement of Medical Research (CAMR), we successfully stopped legislative assaults to criminalize SCNT in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives during all prior legislative sessions. Various bills to prohibit reproductive cloning – a practice that we oppose – have also been unsuccessful in Congress.

California Legislative Activity
In the absence of any federal legislation banning SCNT research, much of the public policy debate is in the states. Several states have moved forward with bans on therapeutic cloning and others have passed permissive legislation.

Expansion of Federal Embryonic Stem Cell Research Policy
The Kirsch Foundation remains committed to full federal funding for embryonic stem cell research, without the current limitations imposed by the Bush Administration in August 2001. Given the promise stem cell research holds for curing deadly diseases, scientists, many members of Congress and the American public have been working to expand the President's policy. CAMR and its more than 100 members, including the Foundation, continue to urge the Administration to alter its funding guidelines so that research can proceed. Read the background on this issue as well as current efforts to change the President's policy.

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