Archived Medical Research Articles

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"Eggs and ethics"
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch editorializes in support of embryonic stem cell research, and more specifically, somatic cell nuclear transfer. SCNT is “crucial to fulfilling the promise of embryonic stem cell research,” allowing specialized cells to genetically match-up with recipients’ cells. The editors write that women are not likely to be exploited for donating their eggs for research as they already donate to fertility clinics without issue. The debate over egg donation is likely to be forgotten once SCNT is successful in treating patients.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch – Editorial, September 24, 2006

"Stem cell work gets states' aid after Bush veto"
Unintended consequences of President Bush’s veto of legislation to expand federal financing of embryonic stem cell research include an influx of state money for the research and an impact on election campaigns across the country. The day after the veto, California and Illinois both announced plans to fund grants to stem cell scientists. In addition, gubernatorial, senate and house campaigns in states like Colorado, Missouri, Florida and Tennessee are now highlighting stem cell research as an issue for voters.
The New York Times – Jodi Rudoren, July 25, 2006

"Stem-cell politics"
With the legal challenge to California’s passage of Proposition 71 over for now, legislation from State Senator Deborah Ortiz (D-Sacramento) continues to wind through the political process. Ortiz’s bill, SB 401, would place regulations on the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) that would, ultimately, require voter approval. The San Francisco Chronicle calls these restrictions “an expensive headache” that could result in anti-research groups attempting to stop the voter-approved stem cell program. The newspaper suggests that Senator Ortiz and the CIRM should work out their differences
San Francisco Chronicle – Editorial, May 22, 2006

"UCSF resumes human embryo stem cell work"
Backed by private donations and following the appropriate ethical protocols for egg donation, UCSF scientists are using somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), also known as therapeutic cloning, to create human embryonic stem cell lines. The goal is to create “patient-specific” stem cell lines in order to study disease paths and to help patients avoid rejection of cells by using their own genetic material. If successful, scientists would ultimately use DNA from someone with a particular genetic disease in order to produce patient-specific cells for conditions like Alzheimer's or ALS.
San Francisco Chronicle – Carl T. Hall, May 6, 2006

"South Korean research scandal reflects ethical breakdown"
News about a South Korean research team potentially conducting fraudulent human stem cell research has rocked the scientific world. Medical research foes have jumped at the chance to use the South Korean situation to downplay the importance of stem cell technology. Responsible scientists are saying that ethics, honesty and peer oversight was lacking in the scandal in South Korea, and that instilling integrity in the culture of research institutions is critical to avoid such debacles in the future.
The San Jose Mercury News – David Magnus and Arthur Caplan, December 18, 2005

"Stem-cell vision far from reality"
Despite Californians passing a $3 billion stem cell research initiative in November 2004, the state’s scientists haven’t progressed in their research due to legal bottlenecks. While Connecticut and Illinois have passed pro-stem cell legislation, other states like South Dakota, Arizona and Nebraska have put limits on the research. Only five states have passed financing for stem cell studies and very little of that money has actually been received by researchers. Meanwhile, two top scientists who had planned to conduct stem cell studies at Stanford University have decided to go to Singapore instead, given the more permissive research climate in that country.
San Jose Mercury News – Steve Johnson, November 27, 2005

"Cultivating Cures"
A leading stem-cell researcher at the John Hopkins School of Medicine is leaving Maryland to work in California, a state that is spending significant dollars to attract top talent from other places in the U.S. This Baltimore Sun editorial argues that Maryland needs to work harder to bring biotech to the state and ensure that there is a supportive environment – financial and technical – to allow stem cell research to flourish. Support for this research is non-partisan across the board and across state lines.
The Baltimore Sun – Editorial, November 2, 2005

"Promising U.S. research shouldn't be nipped in bud"
This Chicago Sun-Times editorial points out that, without government oversight, countries like Korea have moved forward with cloning research in the search for disease treatments. The U.S. is considering legislation that could expand President Bush's stem cell policy, yet it is at risk of a presidential veto should it pass the Senate. The potential of stem cell research needs to be properly regulated and supported or other countries will receive the majority of research dollars, leaving the U.S. behind in the search for cures.
Chicago Sun-Times – Editorial, August 26, 2005

"Frist does the right thing"
Joining papers around the country, The Macon Telegraph in Georgia editorializes in support of Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist’s decision to support expanding President Bush’s embryonic stem cell research policy. While the President has threatened a veto of legislation that would alter his policy, Frist’s announcement changes the landscape of the debate in Congress.
The Macon Telegraph – Editorial, July 31, 2005

The Baltimore Sun editorial staff writes that the White House is supporting a proposal by Representative Roscoe G. Bartlett (R-MD) that would fund a questionable form of stem cell research that doesn’t require the destruction of embryos. The Bartlett proposal threatens to undermine efforts by the House and Senate to expand President Bush’s current embryonic stem cell research policy. “Senators should not allow themselves to be manipulated by this distraction,” given the millions of Americans suffering from diseases or injuries that could benefit from more promising forms of research practiced today.
The Baltimore Sun – Editorial, July 17, 2005

"Frist Again at the Center of Stem Cell Fight"
With the U.S. Senate poised to vote on legislation – already passed by the House of Representatives – that would expand President Bush's embryonic stem cell research policy, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) continues to back away from statements he made in a 2001 speech in which he articulated support for the research. Frist now says he "agrees with the President's policy" pitting him against a majority of the Senate and Americans who oppose the Administration's position and want to see the policy changed.
The Washington Post – Ceci Connolly, July 3, 2005

"Nancy Reagan May Prod Senate on Stem Cells"
Former First Lady Nancy Reagan is once again entering the stem cell debate as the U.S. Senate prepares for a historic vote on whether to expand President Bush's embryonic stem cell funding policy. In May, the House of Representatives passed legislation to expand the White House policy by a 238-194 vote – now similar legislation is before the Senate. Mrs. Reagan is acknowledged as "the most powerful advocate involved" given her personal connection to the stem cell research issue.
Yahoo! News (courtesy of Associated Press) – Laurie Kellman, June 17, 2005

"Drop restrictions on stem-cell research"
The Des Moines Register calls President Bush's plan that restricts funding for embryonic stem cell research "bad policy," given that all of the stem cell lines available for federal funds are contaminated. With the promise of stem cell research to cure diseases, the Administration's position should be reversed.
Des Moines Register – Editorial, January 31, 2005

"New Jersey Faces Tough Competition for Stem Cell Scientists"
With federal funding for only a limited number of stem cell lines, states are forging ahead with ballot initiatives, legislation and administrative approaches to furthering embryonic stem cell research. Competing states are trying to protect against their own scientists moving to California, where a voter-supported $3 billion in funding will be spent over the next decade. Illinois, New York, Wisconsin, and Connecticut are all working on proposals to promote and fund stem cell research, while other states are seeking to ban or criminalize it.
The New York Times – Laura Mansnerus, January 17, 2005

"A bright hope to be realized"
U.S. News & World Report Columnist, Mortimer B. Zuckerman, writes about the millions of Americans suffering from diseases that may someday be cured through embryonic stem cell research. Zuckerman points out that the research is being hindered because of current federal policy limiting funding to a small number of stem cell lines. In the absence of a less restrictive federal policy, we are forced to rely on individual states and the private sector to develop cures, which may not provide sufficient breakthroughs in this critical field.
U.S. News & World Report – Mortimer B. Zuckerman, December 27, 2004

"States play catch-up on stem cells"
As California moves ahead to spend $3 billion in state money for stem cell research, some states are attempting to pass similar measures while others are blocking the research completely. New Jersey, Wisconsin and Illinois are considering using taxpayer dollars or putting a California-styled initiative on the ballot to support biomedical research. Socially conservative states, including Arkansas, Iowa, Louisiana, Nebraska and North Dakota, currently limit or ban stem cell research. The federal debate is expected to continue this year in Congress, with attempts to expand the President's policy on federal funding as well as efforts to ban therapeutic cloning.
USA Today – Martin Kasindorf, December 17, 2004

"Editorial: Stem cells/Let U.S. scientists move ahead"
The Minneapolis Star Tribune editorializes in favor of President Bush expanding his stem cell research policy, which currently restricts the use of federal funds for this research. There is clear potential for embryonic stem cells to cure diseases and illnesses, and adult stem cells, while valuable, do not have the flexibility needed to treat certain conditions. While California forges ahead given the passage of a $3 billion bond measure, federal dollars are limited and, therefore, this promising science is being hindered.
Minneapolis Star Tribune – Editorial, November 12, 2004

"Approved Stem Cells' Potential Questioned"
According to this article, new research indicates that all of the human embryonic stem cell lines available for federal funding under the Bush Administration's three-year old policy share a trait that reduces their potential to be used for medical treatments. Given that federal funding is limited to 22 cell lines and most of the lines are now considered potentially unusable, this research demonstrates that current policy could limit the search for cures for diseases and conditions that affect millions of Americans.
The Washington Post – Rick Weiss, October 29, 2004

"Schwarzenegger Backs Stem Cell Study"
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger surprised members of both political parties with his endorsement of Proposition 71, a ballot measure that would raise $3 billion over 10 years to fund embryonic stem cell research. According to the Los Angeles Times, Schwarzenegger has expressed support for the research but was concerned about future costs to the state. The Governor's father-in-law, Sargent Shriver, is suffering from Alzheimer's, a disease that might benefit from embryonic stem cell research.
Los Angeles Times – Joe Mathews and Megan Garvey, October 19, 2004

"Californians to Vote on Spending $3 Billion on Stem Cell Research"
Proposition 71 as an "act of political and scientific rebellion against limits on stem cell research imposed by the Bush White House." The initiative would create the largest state-run scientific research effort in the country and make California a global center of stem cell research, on par with Singapore, Israel, South Korea and the United Kingdom.
The New York Times – John Broder and Andrew Pollack, September 20, 2004

"Britain Embraces Embryonic Stem Cell Research"
According to this New York Times article, government-financed stem cell research in the United Kingdom is outpacing progress in the U.S. given Britain's acceptance of and support for this potentially life-saving technology. The British government is spending millions on the creation of a stem cell bank and putting strict ethical controls in place in order for scientists to pursue embryonic stem cell research. Dr. Susan Fischer at the University of California at San Francisco claims that her research group has "lost at least two years – 'a lifetime' – of research time dealing with fallout" from the current Administration's stem cell policy. In the meantime, the U.K. forges ahead and could find cures for deadly diseases ahead of the rest of the world, including the United States.
New York Times – Elisabeth Rosenthal, August 24, 2004

"Stem cell research awaits shifting tide"
In this Boston Globe op-ed, Ann Parson writes about the hundreds of thousands of surplus frozen embryos that will be discarded rather than be used for potentially life-saving stem cell research. She shares the perspectives of both sides of this debate and argues that partisanship has no place in the discussion.
Boston Globe – Ann Parson, August 2, 2004

"Needless research limits hit home"
In this San Francisco Chronicle op-ed, author Kevin Garcia makes the case for why President Bush's stem cell research policy needs to be expanded. For Garcia, it is personal – his father suffers from Alzheimer's disease, a condition that has the potential to be cured through an embryonic stem cell research breakthrough. The author points out that the unnecessary ban on this research is affecting the millions of American suffering from devastating afflictions and that politics must be set aside in order to help his father and countless others.
San Francisco Chronicle – Ken Garcia, July 19, 2004

"Nancy Reagan's stem-cell appeal"
Despite a plea from Former First Lady Nancy Reagan to fully reinstate federal funding for stem cell research, President Bush has decided to continue limiting life saving research. As a result of three years of such a ban, science has lost incalculable ground on the fight against disease.
Chicago Tribune – Editorial, June 21, 2004

"US stem cell research lagging. Without aid, work moving overseas"
This Boston Globe article highlights the problems associated with U.S. policy on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. A majority of new cell lines are being created overseas, a "sign that American science is losing its preeminence in a key field of 21st-century research." Since the Bush Administration's decision in August 2001 to limit federal funding, scientific progress in the U.S. has been hampered while research has blossomed in the United Kingdom, Singapore, South Korea, Israel, Sweden, Finland, and the Czech Republic. Further, young U.S. scientists are less likely to enter the field of embryonic stem cell research, given the uncertainty of future American policy.
The Boston Globe – Gareth Cook, May 23, 2004

"Choose life: Support stem cell research"
Former Republican Senator Jack Danforth urges the Missouri Legislature to reject a proposed bill banning stem cell research in this St. Louis Dispatch opinion piece. In his appeal, Danforth argues that the value of preventing human suffering from disease far outweighs the sanctity of life issues raised by opposition to stem cell research.
St. Louis Post Dispatch – Jack Danforth, May 7, 2004

"States are wrestling with stem-cell issues"
Given Congress's deadlock on stem cell policy, individual states are choosing to address the issue. While several states – including California and New Jersey – have created permissive laws for the research, other states are considering banning the technology.
Chicago Tribune – Judith Graham, April 6, 2004

"President is blocking vital stem cell research"
Stating that advances in stem cell research are occurring in other countries, not in the U.S., the authors of this San Jose Mercury News opinion piece argue that the Bush Administration's policy of limited federal funding for stem cell lines is halting progress in the search for cures for diseases. Instead, states are trying to raise their own funds for stem cell research in order to keep this important science from going overseas.
San Jose Mercury News - David Baltimore, Paul Berg, Donald Kennedy, and Irv Weissman, March 24, 2004

"A 'Full Range' of Bioethical Views Just Got Narrower"
Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn, a former Kirsch Investigator, relates her experiences from invitation to termination on the President's Council on Bioethics in this Washington Post opinion piece.
Washington Post - Elizabeth Blackburn, March 7, 2004

"When new science ignites a firestorm"
This substantive San Francisco Chronicle article focuses on the political and ethical debate surrounding embryonic stem cell research and therapeutic cloning, the quest for curing diseases like diabetes, and the history of scientific discovery. Congress has threatened for the last few years to criminalize the practice of promising scientific techniques, while the U.N. narrowly avoided banning all forms of cloning last year. In the meantime, there are limited embryonic stem cell lines for research, and the Bush Administration shows no signs of being willing to ease federal funding restrictions on those cell lines.
San Francisco Chronicle - David Ewing Duncan, February 23, 2004

"In Stem-Cell Law, Supporters See Opportunity for New Jersey"
This New York Times piece highlights New Jersey's recent action passing legislation that permits somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) research, joining four other states including California. While religious and anti-abortion groups are unhappy with the bill, proponents believe that it will provide "marvelous impetus to research" by establishing a supportive environment for the state's researchers as well as being a boon to New Jersey's biotechnology industry.
New York Times – Laura Mansnerus, January 6, 2004

"Find cure for ideology"
The President Bush's Council on Bioethics has recommended that Congress extend legal rights to embryos. The council's suggestions, if implemented, would inhibit scientific discoveries as well as limit the reasons for which a woman could elect to undergo in vitro fertilization.
Palm Beach Post – Editorial, November 28, 2003

"UN derails ban on human cloning"
The United Nations General Assembly narrowly approved a two-year delay for consideration of a global ban on all forms of cloning. This thwarted efforts by some U.N. members, including the United States, to approve a blanket ban on all types of cloning, including non-reproductive medical research into diseases.
British Broadcasting Corporation – November 6, 2003

"Human Stem Cell Work May Start in 5 Years"
At a press conference sponsored by the Coalition for the Advancement of Medical Research (CAMR), scientists announced their belief that stem cell research will have a significant impact on human medicine despite a lack of federal government support. Actor Christopher Reeve also participated in the event and urged the federal government to remove restrictions to stem cell research and provide additional funding support.
Associated Press – Randolph E. Schmid, October 27, 2003

"Bone Marrow Research Is Questioned: Potential for Regeneration Overstated, Study Says"
A recent study out of the University of California at San Francisco suggests that adult stem cells are not as promising as originally thought, and indicates that embryonic stem cells have more therapeutic potential. If these new results are replicated in other experiments, supporters of human embryonic stem cell research could gain significant political ground through the prevention of new or further state and federal restrictions on this research.
Washington Post – Rick Weiss, October 13, 2003

"Legislative Myopia on Stem Cells"
This New England Journal of Medicine editorial criticizes the United States House of Representatives for voting to ban certain research into and medical practices derived from embryonic stem cells. The author discusses previous debates concerning the once-controversial research on recombinant DNA that has lead to numerous medical breakthroughs. He draws parallels between the two situations and concludes that banning or unnecessarily hindering stem cell research will endanger lives and reduce U.S. scientists' prominence in global medical science.
New England Journal of Medicine – Jeffrey M. Drazen, July 17, 2003

"Remove obstacles to stem cell research"
Philip Pizzo, the Dean of the Stanford University School of Medicine, implores the Bush Administration to rethink its stance on stem cell research in this San Jose Mercury News opinion piece. Dr. Pizzo explains the recent advances in and medical promise of stem cells and explains how progress is being slowed by the lack of federal support for experiments utilizing the latest cell lines.
San Jose Mercury News – Philip A. Pizzo, June 19, 2003

"Senators Grill NIH Director Over Bush's Restrictions on Stem-Cell Research"
On May 22, Senators Tom Harkin (D-IA) and Arlen Specter (R-PA) asked National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Elias Zerhouni tough questions regarding the lack of federal funds for stem cell research. Federal funding for embryonic stem cell research, one of the most promising fields of biomedical research, has been severely limited by the Bush Administration.
Chronicle of Higher Education – Jeffery Brainard, May 28, 2003

"Stem Cell Strides Test Bush Policy: Scientists Push for Use Of Newer Cell Colonies"
According to this Washington Post article, researchers are still unable to take advantage of new scientific techniques to address heart disease, spinal cord injuries and other diseases due to the Bush Administration's two-year-old policy limiting federal funding of embryonic stem cell lines. Pressure is building from the scientific community, patient groups, and politicians to relax the President's restrictions, although the Administration shows no sign of changing its policy.
Washington Post – Rick Weiss, April 22, 2003

"Nonprofit organization influences public policy"
Susan Frank, the Kirsch Foundation's Vice President, Public Policy, conveys the importance of protecting scientists ability to conduct lifesaving research in this Silicon Valley Biz Ink interview. Frank explains the creation of the Coalition for the Advancement of Medical Research (CAMR) and the organization's role in supporting federal legislation protecting stem cell research.
Silicon Valley Biz Ink – Lynn Graebner, April 4, 2003

"Stem Cells Lose Market Luster"
Uncertainty over federal funding and possible legislation outlawing certain forms of scientific research has had a chilling effect on stem cell-related biotechnology, according to this article in Science Magazine. Companies engaging in therapeutic cloning, a promising area of biomedical research, find it difficult to obtain the funding needed to find cures because of the threat of restrictive new laws in Congress.
Science Magazine – Gretchen Vogel, March 25, 2003

"The Politics of Stem Cells"
This article discusses how the current political debates over stem cell research may be delaying life-saving research in the United States. Legislative uncertainties are giving many scientists pause at undertaking new experiments and dissuading future scientists from entering the promising field, thus hindering research.
Genome News Network – Bruce Agnew, February 9, 2003

"Cloning Confusion"
In this American Prospect op-ed, the author, Heidi Pauken, asserts that the two sides of the debate over therapeutic cloning use vastly different terminology when describing somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) technology. Pauken writes that patient advocates and doctors use scientific language when referring to this form of medical research, while opponents of SCNT use more emotional language to oppose the technology. Though both sides agree a ban on reproductive cloning (to create a human being) should proceed, those who oppose stem cell research have slowed progress on potentially life-saving research by failing to understand the scientific distinction between the types of cloning.
The American Prospect – Heidi Pauken, February 10, 2003

"Bush frees cash to secure Soviet arms"
President George W. Bush signed an executive order releasing about $500 million to the former Soviet Union for the purpose of securing weapons of mass destruction. The allocation, previously frozen by Congress, will be used to eliminate stockpiles of chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons.
USA TODAY – Peter Eisler, January 14, 2003

"Star Wars by '04? Forget It"
According to this report in BusinessWeek, the early missile defense program planned by the Bush Administration will weaken rather than strengthen national security. Far from being an effective shield in 2004, the system would create an artificial sense of safety when deployed. Furthermore, the program threatens national security today by pushing North Korea and others to expedite nuclear weapons production before the U.S. program comes online.
BusinessWeek – Stan Crock, January 7, 2003

"Stanford takes a bold step into stem cell research"
The editorial board of the San Jose Mercury News congratulates Stanford University for its creation of a new Institute for Cancer/Stem Cell Biology and Medicine. Due to President Bush's 2001 executive order allowing only limited federal funding for stem cell research, the new center will operate completely on private funds and will develop new lines of stem cells for future research.
San Jose Mercury News – Editorial, December 12, 2002

"States Challenge Bush on Embryonic Stem Cell Research"
Following in California's footsteps, several other states are considering bills to encourage scientific research into therapeutic uses for embryonic stem cells. The Los Angeles Times reports that New Jersey is already considering such legislation and Pennsylvania and Massachusetts are likely to follow. In stark contrast to these state actions, some members of Congress have called for a complete U.S. ban on this potentially lifesaving research.
Los Angeles Times – Aaron Zitner, November 29, 2002

"US charity plans $20m stem cell research"
The New York-based Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) announced plans to grant at least $20 million for stem cell research outside of the U.S. Citing an unfavorable political and regulatory climate toward stem cell science in the United States, JDRF decided to focus its grants on other leading biotechnology countries such as Australia, Canada, Singapore, and the United Kingdom.
Financial Times- Clive Cookson, November 18, 2002

"Moratorium on Biomedical Cloning - A Patient Advocate View"
Michael Manganiello, vice president of the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation and Chairman/President of the Coalition for the Advancement of Medical Research, asserts that advocating for a moratorium on somatic cell nuclear transfer research, which has the potential to save lives, is illogical. By citing prominent researchers and patients who urgently need cures, he points out that scientific study, not a moratorium, is needed.
Bulletin of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology – Michael Manganiello, October 2002

"Slow Going on Stem Cells"
This New York Times editorial urges the Bush administration to immediately remove barriers to stem cell research in response to pleas from Former First Lady Nancy Reagan, the State of California, and scientists throughout the world. In testimony before Congress last month, researchers indicated that stem cell research on several life-threatening diseases has come to a standstill due to restrictive U.S. policy. Meanwhile, California became the first state in the nation protecting scientists' right to conduct stem cell research. Mrs. Reagan has also become a vocal advocate of the research due to President Ronald Reagan's ongoing battle with Alzheimer's disease. Each of these events presents a compelling argument for President Bush to craft new rules allowing scientists to pursue lifesaving medical cures unhindered.
New York Times – Editorial, October 2, 2002

"California adds to reputation as nation's trailblazer for laws"
From stem cells to greenhouse gases, California consistently proves itself a trendsetter for national public policy. This report from the Associated Press highlights the state's groundbreaking achievements and observes that California's economic standing and progressive citizenry give it significant leverage in affecting change and policy dialogue throughout the United States.
Associated Press –Jessica Brice, September 25, 2002

"Stem Cell Pioneers"
According to Greg Wasson in this San Francisco Chronicle op-ed, California has a vested economic interest and moral responsibility to protect scientists' ability to conduct lifesaving stem cell research. Wasson argues that, in the absence of federal legislation, California must act now to protect the enormous potential of this growing field. Specifically, he advocates for the California legislature to pass two State Senate Bills, also supported by the Kirsch Foundation.
San Francisco Chronicle Op-Ed – Greg Wasson, August 19, 2002

"Bush Panel Has 2 Views on Embryonic Cloning"
On July 10, President Bush's Council on Bioethics released its report on human cloning after reaching two separate and divergent conclusions. Kirsch Investigator and Council on Bioethics member Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn helped write the minority report recommending the continuation of therapeutic cloning research. She characterized the 10-member majority opinion, which advocated for a moratorium on therapeutic cloning research, as a "very political process." This Post article highlights the divergence of opinions among Council members.
Washington Post – Rick Weiss, July 11, 2002

"Waging the Battle for Stem Cell Research"
The Coalition for the Advancement of Medical Research (CAMR) has been extremely successful in Washington, D.C., by bringing together unusual stakeholder groups and forging unlikely political alliances to fight for medical research. This article showcases CAMR and gives some perspective on how this relatively new group shifted congressional momentum on one of the most complex and highly controversial issues of the year.
Washington Post – Ceci Connolly, June 9, 2002

"Britain OKs human embryo cloning: Research allowed to proceed under strict conditions"
This piece details Britain's recent full approval for therapeutic cloning, which is used to create stem cells for research. The new regulations would allow the cloning of human embryos to create new stem cell lines for scientific studies, but would still ban human cloning for reproductive purposes. Therapeutic cloning, and the stem cell research it enables, holds enormous potential for medical advancements across every medical field. The U.K.'s new policy marks a sharp contrast to pending legislation in the U.S. that would ban cloning for human research.
MSNBC – February, 27, 2002

"Life in the balance"
This Boston Globe editorial advocates an approach by the U.S. Senate that leaves the door open for important research that draws cells from embryos created by cloning. Stem cell research is already hampered by federal funding limitations and the U.S. House of Representatives ban on all forms of cloning. The Globe argues that "ill-considered legislation" could effectively shut the door for this promising research. The potential to repair damaged tissue and cure diseases hangs in the balance -- the Senate should take that into consideration before passing legislation that restricts the science.
The Boston Globe – February 10, 2002

"Bush vs. cloning - Government's role should be to maximize the potential of scientific research"
In this editorial, the San Jose Mercury News urges President Bush and the U.S. Senate to allow the cloning of human cells for medical research, also known as therapeutic cloning. The Senate will soon consider legislation on this topic – one bill that would ban all forms of cloning and another that would allow cloning for research purposes only. Reinforced by two, separate scientific panel recommendations, The Mercury News supports therapeutic cloning, writing it would be "a serious mistake" to halt this research as it would hamper the potential for medical breakthroughs.
San Jose Mercury News – January 22, 2002

"State panel backs cloning for research, but not babies"
A California state-appointed panel, composed of 12 scientists, ethicists and legal scholars, has released a report that supports cloning of human embryonic stem cells for medical research. State senators are set to review the report, which could lead to legislation at odds with the direction the federal government may be taking with regard to therapeutic cloning. The California panelists concluded that the potential for medical breakthroughs using therapeutic cloning was so significant, it should be permitted under strict regulation.
San Francisco Chronicle, Tom Abate – January 11, 2002

"Untangling Biotech Issues"
As an East Coast biotechnology company announces that it has cloned the first human embryo, the confusion over "therapeutic" and "reproductive" cloning continues. SF Chronicle science writer, Carl T. Hall, points out that the cloning and embryonic stem cell issues can be intertwined, although, he writes, they are two separate fields of research. Hall writes about the contentious cloning discovery and the differences in cloning techniques.
San Francisco Chronicle, Carl T. Hall - December 3, 2001

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